About Us

Our History

The Ball State chapter of the AAUP was founded in 1939. In 2020, a group of professors reinvigorated the chapter partly in response to the university’s Covid-19 guidelines, arguing for faculty’s academic freedom in regard to teaching modality. The chapter more broadly advocates for institutional support for academic freedom and shared governance. Our Resolutions on Teaching Race and Gender Justice, as well as on Reproductive Rights, have both been passed by Faculty Council, thus becoming BSU faculty’s official policies.


As an advocacy chapter, we have organized around and responded to issues relating to Ball State’s core curriculum, faculty salaries, and the adoption of a new budget model. Our working groups have also focused on Title IX, faculty evaluations, transparency, and the creation of an Ombudsperson position. We believe that what is good for faculty is good for students and good for the University.

Special thanks to Guilherme Garcia and Ben Bascom who took many of the photographs we used for this website.